Moved to 2875 W. Dublin Granville Road Columbus, Ohio
  1. 614-431-8110
  1. Firm Overview

    Finding practical legal solutions for families and businesses throughout Ohio.

  2. Meet Our Team

    Our dedicated team of lawyers has over 40 years of combined experience.

  3. Practice Areas

    We specialize in handling elder law, estate planning and business law matters.

  4. Resources

    Explore our extensive collection of helpful legal information, tools and resources.


To Frank McCourt, Jade McCourt, and any other heirs or next of kin of the Estate of David Basil McCourt, Jr., there is a hearing to admit a lost or spoliated will pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2107 on August 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Delaware County Probate Court, 145 N Union St, Delaware, OH 43015.

Case No. 611775 – Erik Brunckhorst, Administrator of the Estate of Cora M. Mixon hereby notifies the next of kin of the estate Carol Nothstine Pryor, Renee Jacson, and Melanie Kay Green, who residences are unknown and cannot be reasonably ascertained, that on May 10, at 9:00 am on ZOOM meeting ID: 92482681108, passcode: 200 406, a hearing will be held by the Franklin County Probate Court to determine the final account and application for all fees for the Estate of Cora M. Mixon. For any questions regarding this hearing, please contact the Franklin County Probate Court at (614) 525-3894.


Top-Rated Estate Planning Attorneys Serving Worthington & Columbus, OH

At the law firm of Baxter & Borowicz Co. LPA, in Columbus, Ohio, our primary goal is to obtain results for our clients through dedication, hard work and total commitment to legal and professional excellence.
Do you need to create an estate plan? Are you starting your own business? Do you have an issue involving elder law, Medicaid and VA planning? At Baxter & Borowicz Co., we find practical solutions for businesses and families throughout Ohio.
Call our Columbus business attorneys at (614) 431-8110 or send us an e-mail.

Helping Businesses, Helping Families

For more than 40 combined years, we have assisted our clients in the following legal practice areas:
  • Elder law, Medicaid and VA planning
  • Asset protection
  • Business succession planning
  • Probate and trust administration
  • Business formation, contracts and buy-sell agreements
  • Tax minimization and strategic planning
  • Business entity selection and contracts
  • Real estate transactions

10 Best 2017 Attorney Client Satisfaction for Elder Law Division Logo

We are Columbus' trusted estate planning attorneys who are proud to provide support to clients like you who are planning for life changes or facing unforeseen events. We understand the anxiety and uncertainty that is often felt due to such changes. By closely communicating with you, we inspire confidence and assurance that your legal matter will be resolved. With your interests in mind, we will seek to rapidly and efficiently resolve your legal issues and reach a conclusion in your best interest. 
Contact us to arrange a legal consultation with one of our experienced estate planning lawyers in Columbus, OH. We strive to find practical solutions for businesses and families throughout Ohio. Call us at (614) 431-8110 or send us an e-mail. We look forward to working with you.